
Wednesday 17 July 2024 I 19:00 I Stadsparken, Kalmar



    String Quartet in D Major Op. 64 No. 5 ”The Lark”

    String Quartet in A major

Enjoy the summer and some classical music as a quintet from Camerata Nordica performs some of the masterpieces of music history.

What makes Haydn one of the giants of music history? In Stadsparken this summer you can listen to Camerata Nordica Chamber Ensemble perform The Lark and make up your own mind about his greatness! This piece belongs to a set of six quartets (he wrote a total of 84) with opus number 64, sometimes referred to as the Tost Quartets after the violinist Johan Tost from the Esterházy orchestra, he dedicated them to. According to some people, Haydn would never surpass the power and variation of these quartets.

Now is the time for us to learn more about Russian composer Alexandr Glazunov. When he passed away in 1936, many asked themselves: Is he still alive? Early on he was considered the successor of Tchaikovsky but was soon overshadowed by the new artistic movements. This was partly due to his conservative inclination. He found the new music style “cacophonic”. Glazunov did not write much chamber music but his one and only string quintet deserves appreciation! It is with grateful joy we can listen to this forgotten gem and enjoy its Tchaikovsky-inspired melodies where the presentation of the themes are equally distributed giving us plenty of opportunities to get to know the individual voices of each instrument and fully enjoy its rich and sonorous beauty.